CiCi Wellness Club
Welcome to the CiCi Wellness Club!
We are passionate about helping you get the deepest sleep of your dreams!
This library is full of healthy recipes, Pilates workouts, lifestyle habits and wellness guides to keep you being the best you that ever slept.
10 Minute Pilates Workouts
10 Minutes everyday is all you need to create a new habit and build muscle for a better nights sleep.
Journal Downloads
Journaling before bed can significantly improve sleep by helping to clear your mind and reduce stress. Regular journaling can create a soothing bedtime routine, signalling to your body that it’s time to wind down, leading to more restful and uninterrupted sleep.
Healthy Recipes
Healthy eating supports better sleep by providing your body with the nutrients needed for proper rest. A balanced diet helps regulate hormones like melatonin, which controls sleep cycles. Avoiding heavy or sugary foods before bed also prevents disruptions, allowing for deeper, more restorative sleep.